
The Thousand Hats Soul Mate

During the Florida Vocal Association State-wide Music Performance Assessment yesterday, I ran into a girl with apparently my same type of humor. After our show choir performance, which was a medley of A Chorus Line, we packed up all our crap and proceeded to head out the door. We incorporated a bunch of what I like to call "sweetness hats," and I took all thirty-five of them, stacked them one on top of the other, then placed the tower of hats upon my head. I then went on to congratulate everyone from Clay High School, who had performed before us, and I found them quite good.

One blonde girl, assumedly a sophomore or junior, as she was considerably shorter than me and mentioned that their show choir was performing the song "One" next year. I enjoyed talking to her for a while, and I promised to go to the show when it happened. Which I am totally capable of doing, seeing as I have friends that I visit regularly who live in Clay County.

Walking outside of the building, I heard the blonde girl, who's name was Kaci (spelling may be wrong), calling me over, claiming she had found my soul mate. Turning, I saw another girl beside her, also from Clay High School (I could tell from the same dresses, for those who were stupid and couldn't figure that out), who was likewise wearing a tower of "sweetness hats" on her head. We both flipped out, fist pounded it, and chatted it up. I told her, Abbi (again, I'm probably wrong at spelling her name), of my promise to see their show next year.

All in all, it was a relatively awesome day. It's interesting what a bunch of hats can do to bring people together.

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