
In Lieu Of A Lack Of Inspiration

I'd like to talk to you all about Kindergarten days. You know the times that most stick out will probably be naptime and recess. But what sticks out most in my mind is the ability to walk up to somebody you've never met, ask if you could play with them, and then suddenly be best friends.

Now if you so much as wish a stranger a good day, they look at you like you're a rapist.

While I realize that we live in a time where a stranger coming up to talk to you just randomly has the possible risk of being mutilated, and in no way am I saying trust everyone, at the same time I'm not saying distrust everyone. I wish people "Good day" because I want people to be happy. Honestly, to have a good day.

So all those who read this, please, have a good day. Don't let things get you down. Depression kinda sucks.


Unknown said...

I live by the motto that 'most people in this world are good'. It's really bad when kids who get lost in the woods and might die don't ask for help from strangers who are also hiking in the woods because they are "strangers." True story, it happened. Saw it on Oprah. But for serious, I really believe that the amount of people who have bad intentions are relatively few when compared to those who are just living.

Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with Elisabeth.