
Big Yellow Taste?

I never did understand why the tagline for Corn Pops was "Big Yellow Taste, Sweet Puffed Crunch!"

Seriously? I mean, it makes no sense. First off, how can something "taste" like a color? I don't understand the concept behind that. That's like saying you can smell when someone's about to have a bed-wetting accident. You can't smell anything until it actually happens.

Which is actually kinda gross, now that I think about it.

Secondly, marshmallows are puffy as well, but I've never known one to crunch in my mouth. In fact, if I bit down on a marshmallow and heard a crunch noise I'd vomit. I can't understand why the words "puffed" and "crunch" are being used simultaneously to describe something.

Just a random thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a marshmallow crunched in my mouth, I think my gag reflex would jump.