
The Wonders Of Computer Solitaire

I must say, that probably has wasted more time in my life than anything else on the face of the planet. Whenever I have something major to do, a report for example, there are four windows open: Microsoft Word, a website with my research topic, MySpace, and Solitaire.

As an excuse of having a slow computer, whenever I have to wait for vast amounts of time for something to load, I go onto my Solitaire and "pretend" I'm waiting for it to load when in reality I'm just trying to stave off my boredom in any way possible.

I find it interesting how much time a simple game like Solitaire can take up. For me, it takes an average of 90-150 seconds to win a game. Add to that the minute or so of the cards bouncing around while you pretend to be interested while secretly hoping that every bit of green is covered by apparently magical digital cards, and you have a full four minutes wasted "waiting" for you page to load.

It brings up the issue, for me at least, about how much time I actually waste "waiting" for a page to load, or someone to message me back on MySpace, or for someone to get on AIM, or just any reason. Not to mention the thousands of people with office jobs who play just to pass the time.

So while the next-gen games and movies and all this stuff is so obviously more entertaining, and all these politicians are saying how much of a time-waster they are, it is Solitaire, my friends, that is a much bigger time-waster. And is that really such a big deal?


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, James xD I do and think the same exact thing. Especially with the cards bouncing around and hoping it'll cover all the green. Interesting how lots of people are actually doing that, yes?

Anonymous said...

i only pay it watch the ending...
*pathetic* l0l