
No Sympathy

I have no sympathy for those who dive into relationships after knowing a guy for a week, then whine and complain when he turns out to be a complete douche. I also have no sympathy for girls who decide to lump all guys together when one screws her over.

Case in point? A friend of mine decides to date someone I knew to be a womanizer and a cheater, I decided to warn her. And she reacted by calling me jealous and stopped talking to me.

First off, arrogant much? You think I'm jealous because I told you the truth about a person? Good job.

When he finally cheated on her, instead of crying their way and begging my forgiveness and mercy, they decided to rant and rave on MySpace about how "all guys love to lie" and "men should just die."

While I will try and be understanding as to the fact that her boyfriend had just screwed her over, at the same time I fail to understand the complete lack of subtlety on their part. And in my anger, I therefore began to verbally bash them until they were nearly reduced to tears.

I'm sorry, I just can't be nice to someone who stops talking to me for trying to warn them about something bad, then totally decides to lump all guys together for what one idiot did.

So screw off.

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