
Do Not Take This Post Lightly

Be warned, this blog may contain some material that you may find inappropriate, and if you do then you have been grossly sheltered as a child.

Because you, ladies, are freaking teases. We all know this to be true, and I refuse to argue about this.

Or maybe it's just me. After all, people do enjoy tormenting me.

At any rate, I've found that whenever I'm on instant message with a girl, whenever they have to get off, it's never for things like "I have to eat," or "I'm heading to a friends house."

It is always, without fail, "I have to go take a shower."

I don't understand, first of all, why every time a girl has to stop IMing, it's for a shower. I mean, I usually have to get off for sleep, or work, or I have plans with friends. On the rare occasion that I do have to get off to take a shower, I wouldn't announce that to the world! I would say something along the lines of "I've gotta go real quick, okay? I'll be back."

As a teenage boy full of unstable hormones, there are certain phrases that trigger, for lack of a better word, images.

"I've gotta go take a shower" is once such phrase.

As a teenage boy with morals, every time someone says such things, I have to go pray. Then take a cold shower. Then douse myself in ice water. Then start bashing my face in with a tire iron.

It usually has to get to the fourth option.

It's not like that I would care all that much, but unfortunately, it always happens. Every time a girl gets off, they absolutely have to mess with me. I mean, really.

It kinda sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I ever left you feeling like you had to bash your head with a tire iron.

Although, I'm sure now you probably wouldn't mind me telling about me taking a shower. ;)